Our Pricing

Choose a plan that works for you


For all individuals and starters who want to start with a small group

  • 5 Users

  • 1 Subgroup

  • 10 Active Decisions

  • 1 Year Archive Access

  • Simple Voting


For all individuals and starters who want to start with a small group.

  • 15 Users

  • 5 Groups

  • 50 Active Decisions

  • 1 Year Archive Access

  • Multiple Vote Types


Perfect for small and medium size organisations.

  • 30 Users

  • 10 Groups

  • Unlimited Decisions

  • 3 Year Archive Access

  • Mulitiple Vote Types


For larger organisations and corporations that require lots of users and members.

  • 200 Users

  • 20 Groups

  • Unlimited Decisions

  • Unlimited Archive Access

  • Multiple Vote Types

  • Customised Groups

  • Any number of users

  • Unlimited Decisions

  • Unlimited Archive Access

  • Custom Vote Types

  • White Glove Set-up

Let's Get Some Decisions Made.
Try For Free Today.

Take the hassle out of important decisions and let us help you to make decisions easily!