Organisation, Central.

Access all your groups and organisations in one place, with one login. Aaaaahh.

Many decisions… little time.

Chairman of the Parent Teacher Association, Manager of the Football Team, and Administrator of the Residents Committee. So many decisions, so little time.

Find the time with Decision Made. Manage all your  issues and discussion for ALL your organisations  in one place. 

Replicate your Council, Committee and Group structures for each Organisation. Then quickly and easily ask the right people to make the right Decisions.

Many groups… even less time

Church Council, Bowling League, Residents Committee…

Everyone wants you to make a decision but you can’t find the background information. With Decision Made it’s all in one place. A single login on mobile or desktop gives access to all the Decisions you need to make. Find and read the information, comment and contribute to the discussions and make your Decisions.


All your Decisions to make, in one place.

If your other organisations are using Decision Made, then your single login will let you access all your discussions. And if they’re not already using Decision Made… get them on board. We’d love to have them!

With your one account

Replicate each organisation’s groups and structures.
As an admin you are free to set-up your organisations, councils, sub-committees; anyway you like. No two organisations need be the same!

Control your notifications
Notifications are great for when something important has happened… or needs to happen! Though we’re aware of overload. You account allows set controls on which notifications you want to receive form which groups.

Set different notification emails
And if you’d like to keep things a bit separate, you can set specific email addresses for different groups. Keep the personal time, personal. And the work at work.

Delegate to the people in charge of each Group.


Have a Play

Start an account for one of your organisations. Have a play, and if you like it... tell them all about it! We'll help!